Owner Name Pronunciation

Before you go spouting of what a great beginners website this is and that you know the web page author personally, you need some vocal training on this odd name.
Are you ready?


Car - Ston - Yen

That wasn't so bad, was it?

If I was witty - I would have a sound file embedded here for you to click on...

Sorry guys, that is the way it is. I kind of like it.. but might shorten it for Show Biz.

It is a European Heritage which loosely means Chestnut in German, so I am Mr. Chestnut!

If you type carstanjen into a decent web search engine, not many items pop-up however, the places you will go! Haus Carstanjen, Quasi crystals, a naval battleship and the Civil War to name a few.

Try your own name - not just in the people finder engine, but in the big main website searcher. Each web search engine will produce a simular but often varied response, so try a few!