this is for spacing these things apart ..they just want to be next to each other |
Here it is, the end of the line.....
that end-all be all, and the picture section of these web pages - where you get to see who I am and other sorted 'sorted things. Complete with fireworks - My little brother thinks they are cool! (me too!) This page takes a long time to load....
That's me! Your fearless leader.
Questions, comments, send them to ZOOM! (oops, that PBS program is defunct) But wait ..?!? - yes, it's coming back!!! (new production) Isn't ANYTHING sacred ANYMORE?
If not, you may be able to locate me using a people finder search engine. If you have my last name, I am related to you.
Don't forget to check out
Mikael Carstanjen
you deserve the best!
Best of all.....
Keep healthy, wealthy and wise. Your job is important, but don't live for just your job! Keep active and an open mind. Practice random acts of kindness. Complement someone each day. Listen to all sides of a story before making a decision. Don't be afraid to admitting on being wrong. Learn the meaning of Life. Try, please try, to live within your means. Don't worry about saving money for your kids' college costs, it means lots more if they pay their own way. Save at least 15% of what you make for retirement. Try to meet someone new everyday. Ann Landers really means well. Plan for the future. Listen and surround yourself with positive people and speakers. Don't let the turkeys get you down. Write when you get work.. :-)
Take care,
aka Sir Sword Boy , The Porch Guy, and Mr. Wonderful
edited on a PC in 3/2001