The Great New England Fall Color Ride 2000 - page two!

Just as soon as we where moving along west  on route 116 to Ashfield
- time to pick-up lunch at Elmers!
There are not too many places to get a decent brown bag lunch before heading up the mountain.
I need to work on this - maybe some place in North Adams, there is simple food ontop the Mtn.. It was a good lunch nevertheless.

We take 116 out to route 112 and over to North Adams and UP and UP and UP

John Q and Dave S laying out the lunch blanket on top Mount Greylock

"You want to take my pictur..." click  All of us are checking out the view. Tim is checking out the goodies. Bedding down for lunch is John, Steven, Tim, Me (Christoffer), Darren and Christopher.

Another cool shot - that's the veteran's memorial sharing the view...

You can go inside and up to the top!

On top of Mount Greylock, what a beautiful day! -
John Q, Me (Christoffer C) Darren S, Dave S, Tim D, Christopher R-W.

We are way up! - Pictures will never do justice....

Out by the Composting Toilets.. still on top of the Mtn.  Dave, Darren, John, Christoffer, Bill in back, and Tim.

Head'em up Move'm out - Rawhide!

Page Three!


Page One!